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The Retail Rundown: Maximizing May’s Buying Occasions
The grocery sector is maximizing several buying occasions this month as the change in weather and outdoor grilling season breathes new life into the meat case.
May brings about a seasonal shift as daily life bustles with spring activities like sports and outings—boosting the supermarket's convenience and snack food sections. Busy families will also frequent the deli counter more often and turn to quick dinners and frozen options for weekday meals.
Retailers are currently highlighting holiday items for Cinco de Mayo this Sunday. The upcoming holiday, which commemorates the anniversary of Mexico’s...
The Retail Rundown: The April Outlook
The first inklings of planting season have made an appearance and with it comes the prospect of prolonged warmer weather. April typically launches a period of improved foodservice and retail demand as the shift in seasons encourages consumers to venture outdoors and fire up the grill. Moreover, spring break is underway, giving a boost to foodservice interest.
With spring in full swing, feature volume will begin to shift from roasts, popular with cooler weather cooking, to grilling cuts. Currently, the pork category overtakes seafood for a second consecutive week with the most feature volume...
The Retail Rundown: Hopping Towards the Holiday
Seafood maintains its lion’s share of total feature volume with 37% this week, up from 28.6% the week prior. At present, 42% of seafood features stem from the fresh/frozen fillet category as retailers look to capture sales from Lent observers.
Tilapia and salmon have the greatest percentages of feature volume within the fillet category. With prices comparable to or below year-ago levels, retailers were keen to give the two species a larger chunk of circular real estate.
Fresh salmon, the top seller within the finfish category last week, retailed at...
HPAI H5N1 Virus in Dairy Cattle – What We Know
PODCAST: Agri-Food for Thought Ep 12 - Summer Food Trends Shift into Autumn
ANALYSIS: Japan's July 2024 Beef Imports Surge 27.5% Y-o-Y; Tourism Spike Supports Growth
ANALYSIS: July's Pork Cold Storage Figures Released
ANALYSIS: July Turkey Cold Storage