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Brazil's BRF Temporarily Suspends Plant Operations after Fire
Brazilian food processor BRF temporarily suspended activities at its Carambei plant after a fire broke out in the early hours of Thursday, the company said in a securities filing.
The fire has been fully contained and no victims were reported, according to BRF. The company said it is still assessing the economic impact of the event and added that its insurance covers fires.
Overnight Fire at National Beef Plant to Result in Late Start Today
A fire occurred overnight at a National Beef plant in Liberal, Kansas, located in Seward County.
In a Facebook post late Wednesday, the Liberal Police Department reported that a "large fire" was on the east side of the facility and advised individuals not to drive on East 8th Street near National Beef. Additional details will be provided as more information becomes available, added the Liberal Police Department...
Major Blaze Reported on Texas Chicken Farm
Several fire companies were called out to tame a major blaze at Feather Crest Chicken Farm located in Northeast Brazos County, about 100 miles outside of Houston.
Reports say the fire started at 5pm Monday and burned overnight. The Brazo's County Sheriff's Office says it expects it be fully extinguished in a couple days.
No human injuries were reported, but two chicken houses have been affected. One of which had chickens inside.
The cause of the fire is still to be determined...
Fire at Puglisi Egg Farm Claimes 200,000 Chickens
Officials say a fire broke out at an egg facility in Delaware over the weekend that has claimed the lives of about 200,000 chickens and left damages of up to $1 million.
Fire professionals were on their way to respond to a reported brush fire near 1800 Middleneck Road in Middletown, Delaware on Saturday evening just after 7pm. Enroute they began receiving reports that the fire was spreading onto the nearing property.
Upon arrival, Puglisi Egg Farm's two-story facility was completely engulfed in flames...
HPAI H5N1 Virus in Dairy Cattle – What We Know
PODCAST: Agri-Food for Thought Ep 12 - Summer Food Trends Shift into Autumn
ANALYSIS: Japan's July 2024 Beef Imports Surge 27.5% Y-o-Y; Tourism Spike Supports Growth
ANALYSIS: July's Pork Cold Storage Figures Released
ANALYSIS: July Turkey Cold Storage